
Elynn Vazquez Wong


Why are you teaching your students about human rights? Why do you believe human rights education is important?

“Human rights education is vital for a better understanding of ourselves as only considering humanity as one we can see inside us and become better. For me, each our choices matter and we are ultimately the ones who decide who we become and how we can make a positive difference in the world around us. I believe human rights education can support us in making better choices.”

Experience with the Human Projects:

“As an educator I have found the resources meaningful to my lessons. I know that whenever I use them I will have students engaged and going the extramile to learn more. The lessons are detailed and they support students in developing critical thinking skills. As a person, I believe that all the lessons have support me in understanding humanity better.”


Afghanistan: Our Earth, Our Community: Omid Jamal


Uganda: Our Earth, Our Community: Robert Kidaga